Working for a single payer system, protecting women's reproductive health choices, access to contraception, and advocating for comprehensive health and sex education.
Working toward equal treatment for all regardless of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, economic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Providing funding at all levels for infrastructure improvements.
Providing a quality education for all children from K-to-12, including affordable college and technical school.
Raising the federal minimum wage to a living wage and supporting the right of workers to organize.
Strengthening voting rights ending gerrymandering of legislative districts, banning special-interest (PAC) money from our politics.
Developing alternatives to prison for non-violent, victim-less crimes.
Strengthening the Social Security System and state retirement systems.
Protecting our natural resources from the destructive effects of climate change and promoting the increase of renewable energy.
Passing laws to protect our citizens from senseless gun violence.